Office & Cleaning Products

Shop the biggest catalog with thousands of products for

Office, School, Janitorial, Sanitation, Tech, Furniture, Food Service & Industrial Supplies

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  3. Click "Email your list" and copy/paste our email address:
    We'll then send you our best price. (Or, send your list using our contact form)
Path lighting exterior home

LED Landscape Lighting Catalog

Lighting up an outdoor space not only provides an enchanting atmosphere but outdoor lights can also highlight a backyard’s curb appeal and be used for safety on a dark night. View our LED Landscape Lighting Catalog for our wide selection of cutting-edge lighting for commercial or residential outdoor spaces.

LED Landscape Lighting Catalog


Find whatever you need in our online catalog of over 70,000 products. Some of the items we carry in-store, others may need to be ordered. Buy online and pick up in our store. Or, let us know if we can arrange delivery.

 Shop 70,000 Products


We have all your renovation and building material needs.

At Florida Property Supply, we carry a wide assortment of quality products, trusted brands and professional services. We stock what we know our customers need. If you can't find what you're looking for, let us know and we will source it and order it for you. We are your one-stop shop for all your renovation, hardware, and supply needs. Get your project started with advice from our experts and an estimate to help you stay on budget. 

Appliances in a kitchen


New home construction

Building Supplies

Windows & Doors

Doors & Windows

Flooring & Ceramic Tile

Flooring & Tile



Heating, cooling & ventilation

Heating, Venting & Cooling


Hardware & Fittings

Garden Centre

Garden & Landscape 

Decorations & Furniture

Furniture & Decor

Lighting & Electrical



Tools - Hand & Power

Outdoor & Garden

Outdoor Living & Decking




Plumbing, Piping & Supplies


Bathrooms & Fixtures


Accessible Home

Commercial Cleaners

Commercial Cleaning

Safety Supplies

Safety Supplies

Smart Home

Smart Home




Let our team assist you.

Get your building, maintenance and renovation questions answered.
Let our experts help you with project planning, getting the job done faster and staying on budget.

Cleaning Projects

Cleaning Projects 

Our experts can help with advice on today's biggest and smallest cleaning challenges. You've got the need, we've got the supplies and tools to get the job done. 

Lighting Projects

Lighting Projects

Do you have a new indoor or outdoor lighting project planned? Let us help with new solutions to new challenges. Contact us, we're here for you.

Contractor Services

Contractor Services

We provide pros with priority services to help you manage your big projects, estimating, delivery and more! Contact us for expert advice and product knowledge.



Let us get your supplies, products or materials to your business, institution or home. Ask about our delivery options.

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Our Location

Florida Property Supply

940 NW 51st Pl
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Phone: 954-546-4443
Email: e2eae471uUPa5XLkrplPS7M877ST9NaC|

Business Hours

Monday to Friday: 7:15 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Florida Property Supply